Dear all,
Today I synchronised a part of our processes from ARIS to SolMan. As a result of this synchronisation new folders (groups) were created. They were only created as a copy of emply folders, so which were already there but had no model in it. Although it did not happen to ALL folders (for 9 out of 11 a copy was created).
In these newly created folder two models were created:
1) a FAD ==> with a function of the same name as the folder and an assignment to either
2a) a Risk Diagram 3/4 ==> this model is empty or
2b) an EPC ==> this model is empty
See also attachment to see a print screen of the situation before the synchronisation and a print screen of the situation after the synchronisation.
Is this a known feature of the synchronisation?
Sylvia van Giersbergen
Hi Sylvia,
based on the method configuration and depending on the function of the model, a FAD or a EPC model will be created by default during synchronization.
So I assume, all the new created folders belong to functions that have been created and now synced to SolMan. Just check where the object of this function is located. I think they will be located in the 01 Market to Order group.
Only the risk diagram is a question mark for me.
Hi Philip,
Thanks for your reaction. And of course, I should have known this. I knew that an FAD is created for functions when there is only an EPC.
I have checked the method configuration and now I see it says "Risk Diagram Level 3/4" at "Assigned to objects of the "Scenario" SAP Function Type". This is wrong of course and should be an EPC. It is weird that there is Risk Diagram, because as far as I remember I always had an EPC there. But ok, it is solved now.
Thanks again for your help.