congratulations on the new product. It is designed very well and easy to use.
I want to use ARIS Express to design a process map/ process manual which can be accessed online and worked with by all our employees. Here I am missing the web export with working links between different processes, the possibility to read the attributes/ description when clicking on the symbols and a zoom function.
The possibility to have more than one linked worksheets/ models in one file rather than having to save one file for each model would help to organise a process manual and to keep a better overview.
Another helpful features would be the possibility to customise the attributes (add or delete attributes/ change attributes names), which I could not find in the Beta Version.
Thank you very much
Hi Frank
Of course re-usage of data would be fantastic and I do understand that that is not part of Express.
Nevertheless a web export, more than one model in one file (similar to worksheets in EXCEL) and customiseable properties would not require repository.
Hi Gilbert,
for the use case described our customers use the ARIS Business Publisher. The content to be published can be modeled in ARIS Business Designer/Architect and exported to the ARIS Business Publisher Server. Here, users can, according to their access rights, browse the exported content just by using a browser.
In this scenario, you also can rename existing attribute types our create your own ones.
You see, we provide such a solution... but not in Express, which is kind of a "BPM starters set".