Hello all,
I am looking for a way to create different web publications for development, quality control and production state models. Typically the modellers use ARIS architect of designer tools to create models. When models are ready for quality control they would change the model status attribute to 'Complete'. If possible I would like to be able to publish only the models with this status to a 'quality control' web publication. This publication would then be used by people that have a role in the QC process. When models are fully agreed upon, the status could be changed to 'Released', which should trigger them to appear in a 'Production' web application. Preferably this would be an automated process for instance using scheduled reports...
Is there a way to achieve this? Are others using a similar approach?
Possible solutions I have thought of:
1) Have different databases for developement, quality control and production. Then selectively copy / merge models according to the model status attribute. Then each database could simply have a full (unconditional) web publication.
2) Have one database and different web publications for development, quality control and production. In this case it should be possible to publish only the models with the corresponding model status.
3) ???
Thanks in advance for any answers / suggestions!