Hi all,


First post here. I'm looking at a situation where I have to model an order management system that is currently running in 3 different countries.  The systems originally started off as copies of each other however over time they have changed as various customizations have been introduced.


Is it possible to be able to compare processes from different models in ARIS and to look/identify key differences?  The processes will most likely have the same names too.





by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Mon, 10/10/2011 - 13:12

Hi Anthony!

Try the report "Compare Models" which is a predefined script in the "Analysis" report categorie:

"Compares models based on selected options. You can compare selected models or determine comparison models, even across various databases.

The following comparison criteria are available: · Existence of objects  · Attributes of identical objects · Connections of identical objects

You can restrict comparison objects based on the object types. For model comparisons within a database, differences can also be represented graphically."





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