Hallo Community,

We have a central ARIS 9.8 Server and we work with ARIS 9.8 Architect and Designer clients. Some of this client computers are working with Mozilla Firefox 52.6.0 (32-Bit) and therefore with a 32-Bit Java. With this clients we have no problems.

But the other (unfortunately the most) client computers work with Mozilla Firefox 52.6.0 (64-Bit) and therefore with a 64-Bit Java. And these clients are struggling with the reports. They can't read any attributes from the objects. The result is, tre reports are unusable.

My question: How can I make ARIS 9.8 ready to work with an Java 64-Bit version?

Many thanks for any help.

Greetings Holger

by Carl P Swensson
Posted on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 14:50

Any clarification on this matter?

by Torsten Haase
Posted on Mon, 02/25/2019 - 16:26

Hi Holger,

are you sure that this is a client-dependent issue? The reports run on the server and the client only receives the result document.

BR, Torsten


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