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Hi all,

I have to create Multiple traffic light - average from 4 subprocesses.


Red - value <75%

Yellow - value between 75-90%

Green - value >90%

I haven´t problem with this. But I can´t setup 1 "kick" condition:

If one (or more) of subprocesses is less than 90%, resulting color is not green but yellow.

In excel I can do it but I don´t see way how set this condition in MZ.

Thank you for your idea

by J Kirsch
Posted on Wed, 11/27/2013 - 14:43

Hi Michal,

you can realize the desired 'kick' behaviour, but you have to model it inside the feed editor rather that the threshold definition for the traffic light in Composer.

Basic idea is that in Feed Editor you define your 90% thershold per subprocees which might result in a fixed final value overriding the average of the 4 subprocesses together. Then feed that into the traffic light.




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