
I had changed the company logo on \businesspublisher\layouts\default\topnav.jsp.

<td rowspan="2" class="logo"><img src="${env.imgPath}/company_Logo.JPG" alt="logo"></td>

However, the page is not updated with my latest changes. Can anyone advise?


by Jens Heylmann
Posted on Fri, 10/21/2011 - 13:47


You should stop your BP Server if possible and delete the work folder in "businesspublisher\WEB-INF" to clear all caches...


by Green Horn Author
Posted on Mon, 10/24/2011 - 08:47

In reply to by jaumepedros


That's very useful. Thanks a lot. However, because my businesspublisher is hosted on a weblogic, I clear my cache on the weblogic folder. I managed to see my customized changes. 



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