Hello, all!
Sometime, in scripts, I need filter object or models by types, and llist of objects (models) types have to be choosen by script's user.
The problem is that objects types names are in my own native language. But users get used to English translations of object types. Can I some how choose the locale of the object type names? One way is to log in to database with English locale, but all items names will be presented in English locale.
var oMetaModel = ArisData.ActiveFilter();
var aObjTypes = oMetaModel.ObjTypes();
var sName = oMetaModel.ObjTypeName(aObjTypes[0]));
Hi Ilya,
What method language you are using?
You can select the method language on the View/Options/General options page.
Please check the language configured in filter you using.
More help is given in Language section of "ARIS Help Topics" from help menu.
Amol Patil
1. In the options menu it's already configured to English language:
2. I use entire method filter for exsample. On the first page of the filter wizzard it shows English configuration too:
In the script objects and models types names are in Russian language. I have installed English language for ARIS only, and I have not installed Russian language.