I need to find way to get object or models which are chosen by user server-wide. For example, in report started from one database I need to use objects from another database. Standard method
Dialogs.BrowseArisItems ( String sTitle, String sDescription, String sServerName, int itemKind )
allows user to select item from another database. But! It returns string ID of item only, and there is no information about database and user's name, password, filter.
Do anybody knows other way to get this?
I've found some workaround of this problem.
1. Let user select database (name from list of names, ArisData.getDatabaseNames()).
2. Let user input login data (custom dialog).
3. Dialogs.openDatabase(Login data).
4. Dialogs.BrowsArisItems(), filter by database name.
But there is bug again. If this DB was not opened by user prior executing script, Dialogs.BrowsArisItems() will show root group of DB only, no sub groups, no models or objects. At the same time DB.RootGroup().Childs() returns all Childs normally, DB.FingGUID() also works properly.
I've resolved last problem by writing custom "BrowsArisItems" dialog using Tree method. Looks not good enough, but I don't see other solution. Tree
As a result array of selected Items is returned.
//--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- //Диалог предоставляет пользовател возможность выбора элементов в БД. function DialogBrowseArisItems(sTitle, sDescription, nItemKind, nLoc, oDB, nOps) { if (!IsDefined(nOps)) nOps = 0; this.nOps = nOps; if (!IsDefined(oDB)) oDB = ArisData.getActiveDatabase(); this.oDB = oDB; if (!IsDefined(nLoc)) nLoc = this.oDB.getDbLanguage().LocaleId(); this.nLoc = nLoc; if (nItemKind==Constants.CID_MODEL) this.bModels = true; else this.bModel = false; if (nItemKind==Constants.CID_OBJDEF) this.bObjDefs = true; else this.bObjDefs = false; this.getPages = function() { var nS = 10; var nH = 400; var nW = 600; var sTextH = 15; var oTmpl = Dialogs.createNewDialogTemplate(nW,nH,sTitle); //Текст "Описание" oTmpl.Text(nS, nS, nW, sTextH, sDescription); oTmpl.Tree(nS, nS+sTextH, nW, nH-nS-sTextH, "Tree", this.nOps); oTmpl.OKButton(); //oTmplMain.HelpButton("Help1"); oTmpl.CancelButton(); return [oTmpl]; } this.oTree = null; this.aItems = []; this.oMetamodel = ArisData.ActiveFilter(); //------------------------------------------- //Рекурсивная функция для заполнения структуры //читает папки/модели/объекты в БД ARIS this.FillStructureReqursive = function(oGroup, oParent) { var oLV = new Object; //Сначала выводим все подпапки oLV.aItems = oGroup.Childs(); for (var i=0; i<oLV.aItems.length; i++) { this.oChildG = oLV.aItems[i]; this.oChildE = this.oTree.addChild(oParent, this.oChildG.Name(this.nLoc), this.aItems.length); this.aItems.push(this.oChildG); this.FillStructureReqursive(this.oChildG, this.oChildE); } delete oLV.aItems; //Выводим все модели if (this.bModels) { oLV.aItems = oGroup.ModelList() for (var i=0; i<oLV.aItems.length; i++) { this.oModel = oLV.aItems[i]; this.sName = this.oModel.Name(this.nLoc)+"["+this.oMetamodel.ItemTypeName(Constants.CID_MODEL, this.oModel.TypeNum())+"]"; this.oChildE = this.oTree.addChild(oParent, this.sName, this.aItems.length); this.aItems.push(this.oModel); } delete oLV.aItems; } //Выводим все объекты if (this.bObjDefs) { oLV.aItems = oGroup.ObjDefList() for (var i=0; i<oLV.aItems.length; i++) { this.oObjDef = oLV.aItems[i]; this.sName = this.oObjDef.Name(this.nLoc)+"["+this.oMetamodel.ItemTypeName(Constants.CID_OBJDEF, this.oObjDef.TypeNum())+"]"; this.oChildE = this.oTree.addChild(oParent, this.sName, this.aItems.length); this.aItems.push(this.oModel); } delete oLV.aItems; } } //------------------------------------------- //Функия создаёт список БД и предлагает пользователю выбрать this.FillStructure = function() { var oRoot = this.oDB.RootGroup(); var oParent = this.oTree.addChild(null, oRoot.Name(this.nLoc), this.aItems.length); this.aItems.push(this.oRoot); this.FillStructureReqursive(oRoot, oParent); } //------------------------------------------- this.init = function(aPages) { this.oTree = this.dialog.getPage(0).getDialogElement("Tree"); this.FillStructure(); return; } //------------------------------------------- this.isInValidState = function(pageNumber) { var a = this.oTree.getSelection(); if (IsDefined(a)) if (a.length>0) return true; return false; } //------------------------------------------- this.canFinish = function(pageNumber) { var a = this.oTree.getSelection(); if (IsDefined(a)) if (a.length>0) return true; return false; } //------------------------------------------- this.canChangePage = function(pageNumber) { return true; } //------------------------------------------- this.ret=0; this.onClose = function(pageNumber, bOk) { if (bOk) this.ret=0; else this.ret=1; } this.getResult = function() { if (!this.ret) { var aSelection = this.dialog.getPage(0).getDialogElement("Tree").getSelection(); if (!IsDefined(aSelection)) aSelection = []; var ret = []; for (var i=0; i<aSelection.length; i++) { ret.push(this.aItems[aSelection[i]]); } delete this.aItems; return ret; } else { delete this.aItems; return []; } } return; }
is in ARIS from 7.2.4.