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Hi guys, I'm trying to build a model with a report script and I need to map certain objects to an object that it "can be used by" which is a relationship, that was specified when the user modelled the models I'm getting them from.

however I'm not getting objects with that connection type when I call the method using objectOccurence.CxnOccList();

any help here please?

by Torsten Haase
Posted on Mon, 03/25/2013 - 09:58


did you try using the definition level instead of occurrence? If the connections are modelled in other models than the one which contains your occurrence, you'll get all connections of the object, modelled in any model, by calling objectOccurence.ObjDef().CxnList().



by Liju Ram
Posted on Wed, 10/11/2017 - 12:37

If i have all the Objects that are related to the Primary object, is it possible to check the type of the relationship object. I have all the object relationships in an array. Now i need to fetch only the object relationships of 'KPI instance' type. I tried with following code ,but it doesn't work.

if(nTarget.Attribute(Constants.AT_TYPE, nLocale)=="KPI instance")

Even this also doesn't work,



Can someone help me in this.


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