Dear Aris Community,
I'm writing in connection with Aris Mashzone 9.6 installation error on Win7
x86 pc.
I have already tried to install Aris Mashzone 9.6, reinstall, update pc,java, flash so i tried everything, but everytime got the following installation error log:
1 alert DM>
12:48:41 alert DM> To find product error messages, search for the string APP_ERROR>
12:48:41 alert DM>
12:48:42 info CLA> arg #0: -nativestart
12:48:42 alert DM> Time: H okt. 20 12:48:42 CEST 2014
12:48:42 alert DM> Installer client version: 2014-01 (build
12:48:42 alert DM> debugLog lvl: info
12:48:46 alert DM> real os: Microsoft Windows 7 Enterprise, version: 6.1.7601
12:48:46 alert DM> No compatibility mode detected.
12:48:46 alert DM> platform: WNT
12:48:46 alert DM> Java system properties dump start.
12:48:46 alert DM> os.arch: x86
12:48:46 alert DM> Windows 7
12:48:46 alert DM> os.version: 6.1
12:48:46 alert DM> 32
12:48:46 alert DM> Rendszergazda
12:48:46 alert DM> user.home: C:\Users\Rendszergazda
12:48:46 alert DM> user.language: hu
12:48:46 alert DM> java.home:
12:48:46 alert DM> java.version: 1.7.0_51
12:48:46 alert DM> java.class.path: sagInstaller.jar
12:48:46 alert DM> sun.os.patch.level: Service Pack 1
12:48:46 alert DM> Java system properties dump end.
12:48:47 alert DM> Windows TS/RDP session: console. There are no other active sessions.
12:49:05 warning DMU> package OA601206PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package JDBC65Messages.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package PS60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package OA60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package OA60PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package Siebel60SP3Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package ADK65Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package as400Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package tuxedoInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package MQ65Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package msmq60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package OA6011510PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package OA601159PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:05 warning DMU> package LotusNotes60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package OA601206PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package JDBC65Messages.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package PS60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package OA60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package OA60PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package Siebel60SP3Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package ADK65Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package as400Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package tuxedoInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package MQ65Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package msmq60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package OA6011510PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package OA601159PredefInstall.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:07 warning DMU> package LotusNotes60Install.jar has platform value we can't extract, return 'ALL'
12:49:17 info DLIFPP> We are running with local admin privileges.
12:49:17 alert DLIFPP> Windows product name: Windows 7 Enterprise
12:49:17 alert DLIFPP> Windows build lab: 7601.win7sp1_gdr.140303-2144
12:49:17 alert DLIFPP> Windows SP build num: 1130
12:49:58 info CSWP> space required for environment: 2972543528
12:50:08 info Set global var infrastructure.loadbalancer.port to 4080
12:50:08 info Set global var infrastructure.loadbalancer.sslport to 4443
12:50:08 info Set global var infrastructure.memory.model to s
12:50:09 info RWP>
12:50:09 info RWP> locally installed products:
12:50:09 info RWP>
12:50:09 info RWP> NONE
12:50:09 info RWP>
12:50:09 info RWP> products to be installed or added to image:
12:50:09 info RWP>
12:50:09 info RWP>
e2ei/11/ACZ_9. :
12:50:09 info RWP>
: Infrastructure > PPM/MashZone Infrastructure
12:50:09 info RWP> e2ei/11/SJP_1. : Infrastructure
> Java Package
12:50:09 info RWP> e2ei/11/TPL_9. : License > Agreement
12:50:09 info RWP> e2ei/11/WIR_9. :
Core Installer Files > Software AG Installer
12:55:37 alert Installing InstallInfrastructure with canonical name e2ei/11/ACZ_ACS_Infrastructure_9.
12:55:37 info set
12:55:37 warning Service is not registered: PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96
12:55:37 warning Service is not registered: PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96
12:55:37 info Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) is Win7_1
12:55:37 info Installing InstallMashZone with canonical name e2ei/11/ACZ_9. ...
12:55:37 warning Service is not registered: PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96
12:55:37 info Trying to start service: PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96
12:55:37 warning Could not start service PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96 because it is not installed.
12:55:37 warning Could not start service PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96:Could not start service PPMMashZoneCloudAgent96
12:55:37 info set
12:55:37 info Installing
C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\installer_temp\vcredist\2008\vcredist_x86.exe ...
12:55:47 info Installing
12:56:07 info Copying files from
C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\installer_temp\server to C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\server ...
12:56:14 info Copying files from
C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\installer_temp\wrapper\windows to C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\server ...
12:56:14 info Copying files from
C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\installer_temp\jre\windows\jre to C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\server\jre ...
12:56:42 info Installing
C:\SoftwareAG\ppmmashzone\server\bin\InstallCloudAgentApp-NT.bat ...
12:56:51 info Executing command "list"
0 installed runnables.
12:56:54 info Executing command "set
Successfully set configuration parameter remote.repository.url to [file://C:/SoftwareAG/ppmmashzone/installer_temp/repo] on node localhost.
Executing command "set startall.stopall.wait.for.last.layer=true"
Successfully set configuration parameter startall.stopall.wait.for.last.layer
to true on node localhost.
12:57:15 info Executing command "configure zoo_s zoo_s tickTime="60000"
Successfully configured runnable zoo_s on node localhost
12:58:40 info Executing command "configure postgres_s postgres_s zookeeper.connect.string="localhost:17050" postgresql.port="17049""
Successfully configured runnable postgres_s on node localhost
12:58:47 info Executing command "configure cloudsearch_s cloudsearch_s zookeeper.connect.string="localhost:17050"
Successfully configured runnable cloudsearch_s on node localhost
12:58:54 info Executing command "configure elastic_s elastic_s zookeeper.connect.string="localhost:17050" ELASTICSEARCH.http.port="17047""
Successfully configured runnable elastic_s on node localhost
12:59:44 info Executing command "configure umcadmin_s umcadmin_s zookeeper.connect.string="localhost:17050" CATALINA_PORT="17100"
Successfully configured runnable umcadmin_s on node localhost
13:00:20 info Executing command "configure loadbalancer_s loadbalancer_s zookeeper.connect.string="localhost:17050" HTTPD.servername="Win7_1""Win7_1" HTTPD.port="4080"
Successfully configured runnable loadbalancer_s on node localhost
13:01:13 info Executing command "startall to umcadmin_s"
Successfully started all not-yet running runnables on node localhost up to and including runnable umcadmin_s.
13:01:49 info Executing command "enhance umcadmin_s with createUser trigger only options affected.user="Administrator" affected.pwd="manage""
Error at line 1 of command file
Enhancement Enhancement createUser TRIGGER ONLY failed: Problem executing operation enhancement_createUser on runnable umcadmin_s: The following error occurred while executing this line:
Java returned: 2
13:01:49 error APP_ERROR> InstallInfrastructure: ERROR during: Configuring Central User Management ... ( - Error while writing the following ACC
commands: enhance umcadmin_s with createUser trigger only options affected.user="Administrator" affected.pwd="manage"
. Exit status 1)
13:01:49 info com.softwareag.install.common.InstallerException: - Error while writing the following ACC commands: enhance umcadmin_s with createUser trigger only options affected.user="Administrator" affected.pwd="manage"
. Exit status 1
at com.softwareag.install.common.acc.ACCCommand.execute(
13:01:49 warning Installation of InstallMashZone skipped due to infrastructure installation errors!
Could you help me what problem is?
this seems to be an error in the umc (Central User Management) causes the user "Administrator" still exist.
Could you try to login to the umc administrator to delete user "Administrator"? If this is not possible please try to install ashzone and the Infrastructure into another folder and try it again.