
The ARIS document storage API offers us functionality to get the document metadata and document content:
GET /documents/{id}
GET /documents/{id}/content

Is it possible somehow to check with the API when a document was last modified and which is the latest revision?

Also , using the API, is it possible to download older revision of the document? Let's say the document has 10 revisions, can we pull somehow revision 8?

by Dick Deneer
Posted on Wed, 08/09/2023 - 10:29

Hi Ivanov,
I have not much experience with the ads api, but looking in swagger to the ads api version, I think that both answers to your questions are no . Also through WEBDAV they do not support revisions.
I was lately busy with implementing a request from the business to clean up ADS with old revisions. And also the report API is lacking some basic functionality, like getting  the creation/changedate of a revision or getting the document size (apart from reading the complete bytestream and counting the bytes).  These are long time requests but still not implemented.  I took the approach of simulating the web application from the script using HTTPClient. If you have your own ARIS installation, in fact the most simple approach is to  get the information directly by SQL. In that case create a read user with access to the ADS tables and create your own webservices, totally apart from ARIS. It is not the answer that Software AG will like.

by Ivan Ivanov Author
Posted on Wed, 08/16/2023 - 17:03

Thank you very much for the answer!


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