

I have installed ARIS Express 2.4, and it works perfectly well : I can create models, save/open files while ARIS is running.

If I try to open an ADF from windows without ARIS running, it launches ARIS Express and opens my file. But if I try to open an ADF file from the explorer while ARIS is running, or if I run a link in a model leading to another model, instead of opening the model in a new tab inside ARIS, a new ARIS instance is launched. How can I fix this?

My ADF files are associated in Windows (I'm running Windows 7) with the "Aris Express" executable. I'm not sure this is normal as other articles state they should be associated with Java. I have tried associated them with Java, but in that case, whenever I try to open an .adf file, all I get is an error box.

Thanks for your help!



by Frank Weyand
Posted on Wed, 01/30/2013 - 11:38


this error occurres in the new windows executable. In webstart solution, this error does not occur.

This error is annoying especially if you open linked models in Express itsself. This error is already fixed; the fix will be available to you if you do an update of express, whereas we do not have a date planned yet.



by Jean-Baptiste Laroche Author
Posted on Wed, 01/30/2013 - 13:57

Thanks for the quick answer.

I'll wait until the next update with great anticipation then, as I'm using linked models more and more.



by Nico Tarsia
Posted on Tue, 04/30/2013 - 09:31


"This error is already fixed"

so how long do we have to wait? Not very nice of you, especially if the fix is already internal public.


kind regards

by Frank Weyand
Posted on Fri, 05/03/2013 - 08:55

Well, this bug currently does not force us to bring out a new version, because this is more effort then just placing a new setup file in the community, and furthermore we are working mainly on our professional tools. As soon as we've got more time to care for Express, the tool itself will let you know, but I can't specify a release date yet.




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