Is it possible to change the report header for reports using scripts? How can I replace the current Word template? I know how to change the logo's, but i want to see a customer logon only and not the standard table with one row.
Hi Jan,
You want to create 1 raport that change header in other raports at once or you you want to have custom header in your raports ?
Answer to the first question is to have other script that contains custop header (one for every raport you want to be in). Add this script to all raports and you this part in the beggingin of the raport
function setupOutputObject(outputObj) { outputObj.SetPageWidth(297.20) outputObj.SetPageHeight(210.10) outputObj.SetLeftMargin(30) outputObj.SetRightMargin(30) outputObj.SetTopMargin(20) outputObj.SetBottomMargin(20) outputObj.SetDistHeader(10) outputObj.SetDistFooter(10) outputObj.SetAutoTOCNumbering(true) globalHeader(outputObj) globalFooter(outputObj) } function globalHeader(outputObj) { outputObj.BeginHeader() outputObj.EndHeader() } function globalFooter(outputObj) { outputObj.BeginFooter() outputObj.EndFooter() }
The second question can be solved by changing the global header function