6 Replies
do you have a user profile placed on a remote location (server user profile)? Currently, we do know that Webstart has an issue with that.
Currently, I do not know what' causing the error, so could you please open the system panel -> Java panel -> first page, temporary internet files -> settings -> delete all.
Then, reinstall. Please make sure you accepted the certificate and accepted also the embedding into the desktop.Bye,
How do I make sure you accepted the certificate and accepted also the embedding into the desktop?
the corresponding questions are normally asked by the setup...
1.) check for certificate
open system panel -> java -> security -> certificates: there should be one for IDS Scheer AG
2.) if you did not "embed" the application, you do not see desktop icon or start menu entry.
If you want to create the icon and start menu entry again, open the java panel again: first page, button "show" in "temporary internet" files, context menu on "ARIS Express": install shortcut.
1) By following your steps, certificate is there.
2) Java Cache Viewer shows ARIS Express 1.0 application with status icon "upplugged" when I attemp to instll shortcut from this viewer, get unable to install shortcut error
Actually, we never had that before... again, the question: do you have a user profile which is located on a remote server?
Another try is: on the Java Cache Viewer, we you tried to execute the menu entry to create the shortcut, you can also start the application by context menu (e.g. "execute offline").
Does Express start then?