Designing a data feed with xml. This data feed is used in a MashApp to shown a table.

That's ok. Now the corresponding xml has only header information, no data is filled

Pressing refresh. The table is empty an an warning triangle is shown, with the hint, that the data cannot be show. Ok so far.


When the table is filled again. No refreshing is possible. Closing and reopening doesn't help too.

by Joachim Teutsch Author
Posted on Thu, 11/05/2009 - 11:27


Go to the corresponding data feed. Check the result is okay. Press the save button.

MashApp reacts like before.

Hint: If you use MashApp -> edit FeedEditor, this does not help, because there is no save button.

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 09:26

Hi Joachim,

what did you mean by "use MashApp -> edit FeedEditor"? Did you mean switching into the data feed editor directly while assigning data?

In this case you will be asked to save the feed after hitting the Back to Composer button.

by Joachim Teutsch Author
Posted on Fri, 11/06/2009 - 09:47

I mean this page. If you do no "relevant" changes in the data feed editor ( example :moving the elementare not recognized as a change) and you press "back to Composer" ,  you are not asked to save the changes, because no "relevant" changes happened.



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