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ARIS MashZone enables everybody to create cool business mashups in minutes. The times that you have to wait for IT to provide you with customized dashboards are over. Now you just create them yourself the way you want them to be and pass them to your management, and believe me, they will be impressed.

All you have to do is to follow these steps:

  1. Get the FREE version
    Go to to download the free version.
  2. Play with the FREE version
    MashZone comes with pre-installed mashup examples for sales, marketing, HR, controlling and others.
  3. Get the FREE license key
    If you want to create your own mashup, you must get the free licence key. Logon to ARIS Community and go to your ARIS Community user profile (click: "View Your Profile" in the right margin). On the left side, you find an ARIS MashZone box. Click on "Get free ARIS MashZone license". Copy the license key to the clipboard. In ARIS MashZone, click on "Administration" in the Home screen. Click on "Licensing" in the left navigation pane. Paste your key in the license key field.

Have fun mashing ;-)

If you like the software you should get the full version to share the mashups on your organization. We have different versions of MashZone to fit your individual needs. On our website you find an overview of the different versions:

ARIS Community features a dedicated MashZone group to help the users connect and exchange experiences: Go to this group to let the community members know how you use MashZone. The Community will also be happy to answer your questions.


by Prasad Bramhe
Posted on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 06:34

I want to join to this community.

Request you to pls accept the same.

by Prasad Bramhe
Posted on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 06:35

pls go ahead

by Prasad Bramhe
Posted on Thu, 07/21/2011 - 06:36

hello sir


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