Profile picture for user Josephe Blondaut
SAPPHIRE NOW Orlando, May, 14th   RUN like never before! RUN anytime and anywhere! RUN BETTER!   This first Sapphire Day RUN very positive for us! We had numerous and fruitful discussions with customers, prospects and partners at the booth! SAP HANA, Industry.PerformanceREADY, Process-Driven SAP Management and Cloud were the leading topics. We see very mature customers with great knowledge of SAP and higlly process-minded!   SAP co-CEO Bill McDermott is now being interviewed By mika Brzezinski on SAP Strategy and Vision! Bill states that the mobile social consumer revolution forces companies to re-invent business models, to anticipate the needs and expectations of cOnsumer to survive tomorrow and how to improve people life right here and right now! By the way Bill stresses the importance of SAP's industry knowledge for their customers ;-)   The interview is completed by a customer panel discussion with Burberry, ACE, Redbox and Coinstar.   And what do they have in common? Of course they implemented SAP! But the important thing is not THAT they have implemented SAP but WHY? And HOW? And yes it is about changing business models, supporting change, optimizing the business, improving business processes, to RUN BETTER!  

What the market demands is real flexible and innovative new business models based on a stable IT and flexible process architecture.

And that's where Software AG and  IDS Scheer Consulting comes in with process, industry and SAP knowledge and the right tools and methologies to successful projects!   Get there faster!


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