I have a report that creates an excel sheet with formulas. This report was working fine but the administrator upgraded ARIS from 10.13 to 10.14 and this report not working now!
The error line number is 184 on the attached image.
The error is: Error durante la ejecución de la secuencia de comandos:
Secuencia de comandos: M, línea 184
Calling Cell.setCellType(CellType.FORMULA) is illegal. Use setCellFormula(String) directly.
Thank you.
Hi Jesús,
It might be excel is the source of the error as functions in excel expect a semi-colon ";" instead of a comma ",". Can you try replacing the comma with semi-colon and check the report? Like,
oCell.setCellFormula("IF(E" + (ind + 1) + "=\"X\";\"X\";\"Colocar S ó N\")");
Does it help? Best regards,
Hello Jésus,
this seems to be fixed in SR15 c.f release notes from ARIS Download Center :
Exporting formulas to Microsoft Excel output files using ARIS report scripts now workscorrectly again. (Pivotal 5444289)
Regards, Martin