Wondering if there's a suggestion on the best model type for documenting procedures? We currently use EPC for the process. Would it make sense to use this same type for procedures or is there another that would work better?

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Wed, 06/05/2019 - 09:58


I'm not sure which difference you see in describing documenting procedures in comparison to other processes. Is it the level of detail?

A common recommendation as to the granularity is the OTOPOP criterion: One time, one place, one person

So everything done by a person playing a certain role at the same place (e. g. her desk) at a single point in time (without process relevant interruption) is one process step.

If you want to describe what the role has to do (at her desk) in more detail (e. g. how she should perform some documentation task) you enter the level of work instruction. That is another process layer below the OTOPOP one. You can do that by assigning another EPC to each step on the OTOPOP level. Observe that start and end events should match the level above (this may require you introduce the "trivial" events on the level above in order to model this consistently). On this level you don't need the "carries out" role, since by design the entire work instruction is dedicated to the role performing the OTOPOP step.


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