
I installed Aris 9.8 with standard local database and I would like to use local server. After start application I tried to use server - LOCAL, user - system and password - manager, but when I want to insert the server  - "LOCAL", the application alerts: "You cannot manually add a server named LOCAL". I think, that I have to run the server somewhere, but I don't know where... Can somebody help me please? The app is installed on Windows 8.1. I didn't find any runnable file in LOCALSERVER folder.

by Pedro Madureira
Posted on Mon, 12/28/2015 - 19:50


Have you already found the solution.

I´,m with same problem.


Best Regards,

by Felix Winzig
Posted on Wed, 12/30/2015 - 09:25

Hi you two,

first I want to point out that this is the forum for school members. If you're looking for the forum for university members, that can be found here. If you're looking for the general ARIS forum, you can find it here.

As for your problem. I assume you all used the "ARIS." installation, so my guess is that you missed to check the "install with local server" checkbox during the installation process. If you start ARIS Architect you shouldn't need to type in a server name manually, but already have 'LOCAL' as your one and only option to choose from a drop-down menu.


Possible solution: uninstall ARIS, delete all the logfiles (found in C:\user\userName\ARIS90) and reinstall ARIS checking the box "install with local database".


I hope that will fix your problem.

Best Regards,




by Jürgen Neubert
Posted on Thu, 01/30/2020 - 18:58


i have installed the ARIS client with local database. whe i want to start the Software i get problem with user and password

by Gunnar Binda
Posted on Fri, 01/31/2020 - 22:10

Did you use manager as password?


by Jürgen Neubert
Posted on Sun, 02/02/2020 - 08:22

thank you i have done with "manager"


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