Hi wir haben ein ARIS Architect Extension pack Access erworben, jetzt muss ich diese ja irgendwo hinterlegen damit ich sie nutzen kann, wo muss ich was tun? Und in welchem Handbuch steht dazu was?



by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Tue, 09/01/2015 - 13:03

Dear Kristin,

With your license key you should have received from Software AG Logisitcs a document with instructions how to import your new license key.

But in the ARIS document "ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide.pdf" on the ARIS DVD you will find in chapter 4.3 Import license instructions how to import license keys.

Or just use the following link to import your license. I assume you have ARIS Design/Connect Server installed and using the tenant default. Just replace "localhost" with the computer name where ARIS is installed and log in as user system, superuser or with an equivalent user account:


The upload button is on the top right corner of your screen.

In case you are using ARIS in LOCAL mode, it's a bit different. Keys can only be imported via calling the ARIS Client setup again.




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