Firstly hello to the Aris Community, I am very new to Aris, I am looking to configure our Aris Architect production environment setting out the folder structures and structuring models, I wanted to know how I can put a header model as a template as default on each of the models produced like the example and have it always have the right time and date stanp and the right Level denoted in the hierarchy symbol. with a company logo.

How do I go about setting up this? and advise for a simple way of beginning our Aris structure would be greatly appreciated 


by Frank Weyand
Posted on Mon, 03/19/2018 - 13:58


this is currently not possible...

Currently, this is handled via a fragment, that every user needs to place by him/herself.

This is actually requirement, that is still in our list and that will be discussed. I cannot give you any commitments whether this will be implemented in future or note, sorry...



by Tony Iliev
Posted on Wed, 04/18/2018 - 13:12

Hi Laura,

what about setting a metamodel? Could be useful.

Best Regards


by Peter Eichhorn
Posted on Mon, 06/17/2024 - 15:10

You can define a model as a template including the header. Then create a macro which is triggered every time a new model is created.


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