Hello everybody,

I am a masters student at Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and I am currently taking a course called ‘Business Process Modelling and Organization’. Within that course, the students are asked to present a BPM-Tool. I chose to present ‘ARIS Express’ because of the positive feedback I have heard about it. Our university is one of the reference clients for the ARIS software and very content with the software and the support. 

For the presentation, I am supposed to present information about the Software itself and the Community that is offering information and support for the tool. Unfortunately, there were some information I couldn’t find on the ARIS Express website, including information about the dissemination of ARIS Express (e.g. number of clients, number of reference clients, number of installations, number of users, number of partnering enterprises), target customers, contractual partner, type of license and the number of roles within the community.

I would be grateful if you would provide me with some information on the above mentioned topics.

Thank you in advance for your help.

Best regards


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