Hi all,
We have a problem with LDAP configuration on ARIS Mashzone v2.3.
User account as well as ldap search path contain commas, spaces, equal signs which we escape but we still get ldap error 49 - data 52e (or 525), v1772. This obviously indicates it was not possible to login successsfully.
Second question I have is how to handle properly in umc.properties files 'additional DN user' and 'additional DN group'. Which fields to configure and what is the format? Are these properties correct?
com.idsscheer.aris.umc.ldap.user.searchpath= <additional user DN?>
com.idsscheer.aris.umc.ldap.user.searchpath=<addition DN group?>
Should these porperties contains full path including base DN? Or path from base DN enough?
We can connect to the same AD with the same details with other tools but no luck with MashZone. What do we do wrong?
Configuration umc.properties file is attached.
Hi Lubomir,
Your configuration looks mostly correct, but please make sure to properly escape all search filters and paths:
com.idsscheer.aris.umc.ldap.service.user=... com.idsscheer.aris.umc.ldap.searchpath=OU\=User and Role Management,OU\=Production,... com.idsscheer.aris.umc.ldap.filter.person=(&(objectCategory\=Person)(sAMAccountName\=*)(memberOf\=CN\=P_SD_APP_Confluence,OU\=Domain Local Groups,OU\=User and Role Management,OU\=Production,...
All property values should include the full search path.