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Since a few days we are finally running ARIS 9.8 instead of ARIS 7.2

A complete new server, having 8GB internal memory. But that memory is constantly loaded for 98%, giving a poor and unstable performace. Anyone an idea what could be wrong? We are using ARIS concurrently by 4 persons. No connect (we use ProcessWeb on an other server).

by Runé Becker
Badge for 'Mastermind' achievement
Posted on Sat, 12/19/2015 - 22:50

Dear Leon,

Even with just 4 people on ARIS Design Server the minimum of installed 8 GB RAM it might be insufficient due to the data you have loaded. The ARIS Platform Matrix indicates that a productive environment needs to be monitored for consumed memory and for CPU load.

As a first fast and simple measure I recommend to turn off unlicensed runnables (server components). Maybe you haven't licensed Simulation or Process Governance. How to prevent runnables from starting please read in ARIS Server Installation and Administration Guide in chapter Shut down runnables.

▲Please note that these manual changes need to done once more when updating your ARIS installation by ARIS Design Server setup.

If that doesn't help after a complete server restart, I recommend to increase the installed RAM in your ARIS server. 

But in case that computer was already your ARIS 7.2 server, I guess that machine might be lacking in number of CPUs and in I/O bandwidth of the hard disk, due to the age of that hardware. Both aspects might then turn out also as bottlenecks.




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