6 Replies
Hi Frank,
thank you for the quick answer. Yes i know i can format the color, the arrow, the width etc.
Do you have a quick hint for me where exactly i can find this "bridge" setting ?
Thank you very much
Hi Marius,
as I already wrote ;-)
This is a property of the model. You just open the properties of the specific model and have a look at the "connections" section.
Hello Frank Weyand
I have the same question, as Marius
I cannot find this "bridge" setting in Aris Architect
- In the model instance properties
- In the model definition properties (Aris Architect/Administration)
- In the template definition used by the model
Could you please more specific or attach a screenshot?
as I said, this is a model property... so the property dialog of a model is the place to look for. Context menu on the model -> Format -> Connections.
This model property is set to the model when it is created. So if you want to specify this property for new models, you need to have a look at the options. Click the "ARIS" application button -> Options -> Model -> for new models -> connections.
Found it?