Profile picture for user MartinKallenborn

I’m pleased to announce the first service release of ARIS MashZone, which is free to download now!

ARIS MashZone 1.0.1 provides several new exciting features.

Dynamic data source parameters

Did you ever experience the 10,000 lines limitation when reading large source documents? Do you have a bunch of similar spreadsheets, e.g. one file per monthly report? Do you want to analyze your quarterly statistics that reside in different folders on a network share? This becomes possible with MashZone 1.0.1 as you can send parameters to data sources which change at runtime. Or you can dynamically compute file names to decide which file or from which folder to read. There are alreday two nice mashapps using this new feature. (World Bank Data Browser and World Bank Map Visualization) Check also out the post of Tobias, that explains the huge power  of this new feature.

Realtime Dashboards

Do you have a really volatile data source that changes every second? Are you tiered to wait for a nightly batch job that updates IT-systems you never heard of just to get your most recent report? Do you want to see your data as it currently evolves and not just snapshots from the past?

Realtime dashboards make this possible. See the world’s population change in real time as births happen. Or watch your Government’s spending live and the public debt rising. You’ll be up to speed at any time.

Cross tab

Got a well human readable table? The subsidiary in rows, the month in columns and each crossing contains the appropriate revenues. Play with such data in MashZone easily without knowing anything about Pivot. Just use MashZone’s all new cross tab feature and start mashing. Cross tabs can be expanded automatically via the data feed. So you will be more flexible using different data sources.

Dynamic URLs

Do you have to handle very special business transactions? Do you want to finalize the special deals manually? Or just discuss possible improvements with your colleagues collaboratively using the company’s wiki?

All this is possible now. Place hyperlinks in your Mashup and the current context, i.e. the currently selected country and sales responsive will be inserted automatically. Whatever it is – MashZone integrates seamlessly.


To upgrade from MashZone 1.0.0 you could use a patch or install the new version from scratch.

If you decide to install the new version, click here. There’s a helpful post (Backup your MashApp!) by Stephan that explains how it is to be done. (Please keep in mind that you have to reimport your Mashups again, the free-version of ARIS MashZone doesn't provide the import functionality)

It must be pointed out that the Mashup and feed definitions from ARIS MashZone 1.0.0 can be used in ARIS MashZone 1.0.1 without restrictions. But Mashup and feed definitions created or edited with ARIS MashZone 1.0.1 cannot be imported into older versions like ARIS MashZone 1.0.0.


by Hubert Widmaier
Posted on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 08:01

After installation, when I start the MashZone application, the following picture comes up:


In the next step, when I click on the "ARIS MashZone starten" button, I get an error in the Browser:


I think, a welcome page (welcome.html) or something alike is missing. Has anybody an idea why I can't run ARIS MashZone?

Thank you very much




by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 08:54

Hello Hubert,

your browser's screenshort indicates that the MashZone server has not been started yet. The setup with default settings does already start the server automatically - but you might have decided to change them.

Please find the "Start ARIS MashZone server" shortcut in your Startmenu to launch the MashZone server. Afterwards you should be able to use MashZone using the page from your very first screenshot.




by Bastian Waltz
Posted on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 15:24



I always get this error while trying to install the patch. I didn't get this message while installing the MashZone itself, so I am wondering what to do.


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 13:49

Hi Bastian,

I must admit - you experienced a bug in the patch setup. As of today there are three ways to deal with it:

  1. Java enable your computer by installing a common JRE which is freely available for download at

    The bright side: This step prepares your machine to use ARIS Express.

  2. If - and only - if you are familiar with the command line you could run the patch from there and add a parameter which refers to an existing JRE.

    aris_mashzone_patch.exe LAX_VM "%MASHZONE_HOME%\system\jre\bin\java.exe"
  3. Alternatively you could install MashZone 1.0.1 from scratch by downloading the full setup. This setup already contains everything it needs and will run on your machine. But if there are existing MashApps and data feed you must export them to use them after wards.

    Please note: To import your MashApps you need at least MashZone Personal Edition which is available for online purchase.

I am sorry for the inconvenience this causes you.



by Bastian Waltz
Posted on Thu, 04/08/2010 - 16:06

Hi Stephan,


I installed the new version :-) Now I have the problem, that I am not able to import my old data feeds:

"This functionality is not available in this MashZone-edition"

How can I import my old data feeds?


by Hubert Widmaier
Posted on Fri, 04/09/2010 - 08:03

Hello Stephan,

still, after uninstalling and installing the full MashZone version 1.0.1 again, I get the same error as posted above ("Die Webseite kann nicht angezeigt werden").


When starting the MashZone server from the Start-Menu as an application, I get the following:


It then stays in that position.


When I start the MashZone server as a service, I get the following:

The above window closes very quickly (in a fraction of a second).


So, either way, I still cannot start ARIS MashZone because it says "Webseite kann nicht angezeigt werden".








by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Fri, 04/09/2010 - 08:42


there are two ways to run the MashZone server:

  1. As a command line application - this where the black box remains open.
  2. As a service - which means the MashZone server runs somewhere in the background without any user interface.

Both is fine and does its job identically. The images you posted indecate that MashZone runs fine on your system.

The problem seems to be your browser's settings since the message "Webseite kann nicht angezeigt werden" is produced by your Internet Explorer and not by MashZone.

Its hard for me to give you further hints since I do not know your system and environment. Please check the connection and proxy settings of the browser to ensure IE finds its way through the network to the machine hosting MashZone (even if both runs on the same computer).



by Bruno Vanhecke
Posted on Fri, 04/09/2010 - 08:58


I also have a problem with the update of ARIS MashZone. I managed to install the new version, but I cannot re-import the mashapps and data feeds I exported from version 1.0.0.

I copied the exported files into the importexport folder, but when I open the Administration tab and select Import/export, the import buttons remain inactive.

what did I do wrong?



by Tobias Blickle
Posted on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 12:45

Hi Bruno,


if you apply the patch, everything should be fine.

However, if you export and uninstall MashZone, you can't import MashApps with the Free Personal edition. You have to buy at least personal license for 95€ in the shop.



by Bastian Waltz
Posted on Tue, 04/13/2010 - 12:59

If the Patch didn't work I think it's a big problem that it's not possible to import existing MashApps / Feeds. I just wanted to test the new functions... I didn't want to reclick all DataFeeds I created.

Therefore my proposal is to make this function available (I really think it's necessary for testing the product for my company!)


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Wed, 04/14/2010 - 18:03


I want to inform you that an updated version of the patch setup has been published and is avaialable for download. An issue has been fixed so that the setup now can be run on systems without Java support again.  So the error Bastian Waltz reported (see above) has been fixed.

I am deeply sorry for the inconvenience this causd you.

Since there are other questions regarding import into MashZone. As the feature matrix available at indicates the import feature is not available within the Free edition.

If you have created content using MashZone 1.0.0 Free edition you can savly upgrade to MashZone 1.0.1  Free edition using the patch setup. Now even if your system has no Java support.



by José Camacho
Posted on Sun, 04/25/2010 - 16:58


I'm just starting with ARIS Mashzone.

I would like to know what's difference bewteen the MashApp and Data mining applications, like Business Objects.


by Cléderson Silva
Posted on Mon, 04/26/2010 - 16:57


I'm the same problems of  Hubert Widmaier, after updated version, is not possible acess the ARIS MashZone.

My system operating is Wdows XP witch Service Pach3, I have Java 6.0.20 and Internet Explorer version 8.0.6001.18702. The connect of internet is ok. I restart my computer many times, but the problemas to continue.


Cléderson Silva


by Tobias Blickle
Posted on Tue, 04/27/2010 - 13:08


problem of Hubert seems not to be the server itself, but accessing it. I've noticed that this sometimes depends on the URL. Usually, MashZone expects the server at (and this is how the starting page is configured)


This access does no work if the <mydomain> cannot be resolved, e.g. when you are not connected to <mydomain>.

If you server is on your local machine for local access only, please try to invoke


Hope this helps.


by Hubert Widmaier
Posted on Thu, 04/29/2010 - 13:44

Hi Tobias,

that's exactly what it is. The domain <mydomain> could not be resolved, so when I omitted it, it worked.

Thank you very much


by he guangping
Posted on Fri, 05/14/2010 - 10:32


I have some question.

  1. Is there the interface Mashzoneand AAM ?
  2. Is there the 10,000 lines limitation on Mashzone? Please see attached file
  3. Can The result of Mashzone be export excel?
by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Mon, 05/17/2010 - 11:18

1 Except for ARIS PPM there is no specific data source for the ARIS products. MashZone is able to read different data formats and obtain them via different access protocols. Both can be combined freely.

Protocols are file system (UNC network paths, too!) and http with basic authentication optionally included.

Formats are CSV, XML, MS Excel.

I suggest to schedule a regular ARCM report which updates a file on a shared network location. MashZone can periodically process this and will render updates as they occur (as long as the structure does not change, e.g. only lines are added).

However, please expect improvements to the ARIS Business server connectivity, soon.

2 Yes. Each MashZone data source reads the first 10k of lines only. Another limit is 48 columns per row. As data feed processing, e.g. joining two 10k data sources, happens on the fly, I suggest to use pre-aggregated data only and delegate the heavy duty to backend systems like PPM.

The 10k row/ 48 column limit is for Professional Edition. Within Personal Edition it is 1k row/ 32 columns.

However, data sources might be addressed using dynamic parameters. This way you can specify e.g. filter values the backend makes use of to deliver “the correct” 10k lines. These parameters might change at runtime.

3 No, a MashApp (dashboard based on MashZone) is the only target for data feeds. A feature to make use of the data feed results outside of MashZone has been requested before. However it is not assigned to any release yet.

by Konstantin Dudura
Posted on Wed, 06/02/2010 - 08:52

Where can I find release dates calendar? It would be nice to know when the next version comes up.


by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Mon, 06/07/2010 - 09:14

Actually there is no public "release dates calendar". However we are continuously releasing updates to improve MashZone. Since its release in the beginning of 2010 version 1.0.1 has been published and in Q3 there should be another major improvement -- stay tuned.

by Konstantin Dudura
Posted on Tue, 06/08/2010 - 04:06


by Kathrin Wendler
Posted on Fri, 06/18/2010 - 10:22


I would like to start Mashzone but my browser never gets contact to my PC.(Windows Vista, all the other requirements are fullfilled). It just waits for an answer, but never gets it form my pc. I first thought that the server wasn't running and retried it, but didn't work.

After all I think, that the problem is compairable to Mr. Hubert Widmaier's (see above). The only difference is that I don't get the "Webseite kann nicht angezeigt werden"-text because the browser tried to load the website (endless).

May someone please help me?!

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Fri, 06/18/2010 - 10:46

Where did you install the MashZone server? Did you install to? Is it %ProgramFiles%\ARIS MashZone? There is a known issue documented within the release notes (located in the doc directory of your MashZone installation).

In case you installed to the default location using Windows Vista try reinstall using a different location, e.g. c:\ARIS MashZone, instead.

by Kathrin Wendler
Posted on Fri, 06/18/2010 - 11:36

I retried another installations (path: C:\ARIS Mashzone) and the start of MashZone was successful. Thanks a lot!

by Pieter Jacobs
Posted on Mon, 06/21/2010 - 15:09


When I start ARIS MashZone I get the following error message:

I am running ARIS Mashzone on Vista and it is not installed in the default directory.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you

by Stephan Freudl
Posted on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 08:54


honestly I have no idea about your IE's message (and it never occurred before). Does it work with an alternative browser?



by Pieter Jacobs
Posted on Tue, 06/22/2010 - 14:43

I have only tried IE 7, but I can log on if I type http://localhost:16360/mashzone. The button on the page you get when you start mashzone from the start menu does not work. Thank-you Pieter

by Veronica Riedel
Posted on Mon, 07/07/2014 - 16:22

The link of download Mashzone is denied.

I need to download to show to my client and I can't.

Please, help me.


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