
I have a question regarding the Number of Levels which should be used in ARIS if it is intended to use ARIS for SAP at a later stage. I have heard that ARIS for SAP and Solution Manager work best with 4 Level of Modelling.

Right now we are using a Level concept which contains of

  1. Level: Structure Model
  2. Level: VACD
  3. Level: EPC
  4. Level: EPC

and attached to Functions on Level 4 (and Level 3 in some cases) we have attached FADs.

My question would be if a usage of ARIS for SAP will also be possible if we change the Level concept a little bit. Our current Level 1, the Structure Model, shows the overview of the company processes and link to the detail description on the lower levels. My approach would be to take that overview out of the Level View and keep it as a starting point above the Level 1 and adding a Level of VACD for it. The result will look like this

Overview: Structure Model

  1. Level: VACD
  2. Level: VACD
  3. Level: EPC
  4. Level: EPC

And still we would like to attach FADs to Functions in the EPCs.

Would this new structure work together with ARIS for SAP and SolMan Synchronization?

Kind Regards,


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