
I'm trying to model a bi-directed association between a task and a data object which are part of a BPMN collaboration diagram. Seems like this is impossible. My experiments so far:

1. Connection properties -> Format -> Connection appearance

As there is an arrow towards the target by default i tried to change the arrow towards source. But the only options given are aris default or none (which is similar to aris default). Now that gives me the possibility to realize undirected arrows but no bi-directed.

2. Administration Tab -> Configuration -> Method -> Connection types

Here I tried to change the aris default, but it seems impossible to me. I am allowed to rename the connection, add/remove attributes and assign it to models.

3. I searched for an opportunity to change the connection type but i wasn't successful in finding it.

The search function only gave me a link ( which is similar to my 1st try.

Would be great if you could help me to manage this issue.


EDIT: OK, by now I'm doing a workaround using two arrows which lay over each other.

by Muhammad Muhammad
Posted on Mon, 08/18/2014 - 18:30

Try changing the template. It will be under Admin -> Conventions -> Templates.

by Matthias Schneider Author
Posted on Tue, 08/19/2014 - 08:58

In reply to by MMuhammad

Seems like that could work, THX Muhammad.

But still it is confusing. Somehow the connection type which is used is shown as dashed in the templates but appears solid in my model. :D


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