I'm using Process Generator to create EPC models in Excel then import them to ARIS. This is working well however I can't figure out how to close a path with a rule. For example, where the process splits using an AND rule, but then rejoins with another AND rule. Process Generator only appears to allow one predecessor so I can't see how this is possible.
Can it be created using Process Generator?
Hi Deepti,
Hopefully this link to the server will work. The document contains the guidance we give to our super-users for Process Generator. Where you see reference to the Process Generator filter this is a specific filter that I've created just for this purpose.
Please note we don't have the lastest service release so I'm not sure if there have been any changes for Process Generator.
this thread has been posted way back 2010. hoping that updates can be post in here also. like has it been into put into actual applications or being interface into running programs? if not, let us just now also as what are the steps being taken. cheers. targeted facebook fans