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I'm working with an Enterprise Architecture Metamodel  and we need to add "Digital certificates" to this metamodel.

I would like you to help us on the object/symbol should we use to contain Digital certificates.




by Ralf Angeli
Posted on Fri, 02/12/2021 - 15:02

I guess the best choice depends a bit on what you want to do with the objects representing certificates, i.e. in which model types you want to use them and which connections to other objects you want to have. Ideally the semantics of the symbol and object type fit the concept of a certificate and the defaults in the ARIS method allow you to use it where you need it.

Since a certificate is in the widest sense some sort of data I'd lean to something like the object type 'Cluster/Data Model' and the symbol 'Cluster'. This can also be used to form a hierarchy of data objects, e.g. in case you want to describe the innards of a certificate.

Other object types related to data objects would be 'Entity Type' or 'Information Carrier'. The latter I'd associate more with the container or medium for information and not the information itself but it's often used more leniently.

by M. Zschuckelt
Posted on Fri, 02/12/2021 - 15:16

In reply to by q2y5np9c6o38

d'accord. If the use-case is simply "At this or that point I want to state that there is an SSL certificate for" without going into the details of what constitutes an SSL certificate, an "Information carrier" would be sufficient. There are heaps of symbols for information carriers to choose from. If you don't find a suitable one, make up your own.


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