Hi everyone!
I currently have a student license for Aris. Can i import excel files to EPC models using that licence? If so, how can I manage to do that?
Please check, if you have the two standard reports "Create template for data import" and "Import data in Excel format". I would expect them to be there also with your license.
However: Using them to prepare an EPC in Excel would be very painful and it is even impossible, if your process contains a loop in its structure. I would suggest you rather use the modelling features such as table based modelling in ARIS Connect Designer. I dare say you will reach your target faster. An EPC usually is not a plain 2D table structure.
Hi, in fact create a EPC diagram from a excel table it's not a easy task, but I'm thinking in create some basic structure, and later, update the model, even if we have to do it manually.
But I'm interested in you idea using table based modeling. Since I'm a new user of Aris, how can I manage to do this task?
In my Aris suite I have the follow options:
wich of these programs I can use?
Thanks in advance.
None of them. You need to have an ARIS Connect Designer licence. Then in the browser you go into the ARIS Connect portal. At the very top menu bar you have the "Repository" tab available. There you can access your models in design view. There you can perform modelling in the browser like you may be used to in ARIS Designer. The handling is slightly different, but essentially it follows the same logic that you are used to. Plus there is the table based modelling feature, where you enter your process steps, events and satellite objects in a table view at the bottom and the model graphic is lay-outed accordingly for you.
I'm not sure, if the Connect Designer licence is part of the student licence package. I don't see why it shouldn't.