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We are going to implement the EPC Row Display model for Swimlanes.  I tried to extend a function object across a swimlane to represent an activity that spans 2 orgs and could not do it.  Is this a limitation or restricted?  Is there another way to approach this?



by Robert Stowman
Posted on Thu, 03/22/2012 - 20:14

Hi Mike,

Each row establishes a relationship between the function(s) contained within the row and a "Role" (that has a "carries out" relationship) and/or a "System" (which has a "supports" relationship). Hence, the row headings of "Carries out & Supports." You may find building this type of diagram, for example, will sometimes have the same "Role" in two or three different rows but, uses a different "System" in each row in order to execute the step(s) contained within the row. So, basically speaking, it's the combination of a "Role" and a "System" executing the step(s) contained within the row.

In the case you're describing, it is possible to put multiple "Roles" and/or "Systems" in the row header, to depict that it requires multiple "Roles" and/or "Systems" in order to execute the step(s) contained within the row.

Hope that makes some sense anyway.

Best Regards,


by Sylvia Buehler
Posted on Fri, 11/08/2013 - 20:32

Hi Mike, how did you proceed with this problem. We faced the same and had a weird path to a tolerable solution. Unfortunately I cannot attach any picture or file to show you our solution:
Each role is placed once as executing. Is one of the roles only "contributing or has to be informed, ..." then we draw the connection explicitely, change the color to the background colour and place the connection typ attribut at the "knee" of the connection.
To get a nice matrix-like grid we use attribute-based modelling (right klick on the top row - not the first one you can place objects in but above - select properties and then on the left under format the mentioned type; here you can play and see how you get the grid you like). This helps to place the connection type attribute more precicly above or underneath the respective function, to get a pretty clear picture of the process and as far as I have experienced it you achieve on thing: business people love it!!
On this basis I work hard on SAG to deliver a new type of model that looks and works like this matrix which can be customized by the method manager for many different purpuses. In the above case we intend to get rid of the explicit relations have to be drawn since they are given by the definition, how a function correlates to a certain column that contains information carrier for input, another information carrier for output, another supporting systems - whatever you want to model.

Hope I could explain enough about the concept to get you interested. If so let me know so we could share more about this.

Best regards


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