Sometimes you need special information about an element in ARIS like “What is the type number of this connection?”.

This macro will give you this kind of information:

You can run this macro on a group, model, object (definition or occurrence) or connection definition (definitions or occurrences) and in a dialog you get following information:

(Remark: Select only one element because only first one is shown)

  • Name Remark: Not shown if connection is selected
  • Type (Type number)
  • Symbol (Symbol number) Remark: Only shown if object occurrence is selected
  • GUID
  • OID

Additionally if a connection is selected information about source and target object is shown.

They are shown with same information as described above.

I can imagine to extend this macro with further typical information (like group name, …) – So please let me know.

Output example:

Example output "show information" macro

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