Aris Experts,
I work for a SAP Consulting specialist company. One of our clients wants us to setup ARIS 7.2 with Business Server and Business Designer and connect it with the adapter to Solution Manager.
We have installed ARIS Business Server on the client's servers. All ports have been opened and we are able to ping the server. However, when we try to connect from Business Designer from our local machines to the server nothing happens. The IP address has been entered correctly and at the same time that I'm trying to connect to business server, I'm able to ping the server on which it is installed through cmd without any issues.
We've tried several things to ensure it is not a network issue. Do you have any suggestions on why after entering the IP address and clicking on "Add" the system literally does nothing? There are no error messages or pop-ups.
ARIS 7 and ARIS 9 are very different.
When it comes to connecting from an ARIS client (Architect/Designer) to an ARIS server, in ARIS 9 only port 80 must be open in all firewalls between server and client computer. In ARIS 7 the required port is 16070 for a connection between client and server.