In my report, I'm running trough big arrays. Each entry (a model) creates a new sheet (Excel-Report).
Now I have to to the same loop again, because I need the same but with other columns.
What I like to to is, that I have one report and creating the output to each proper outputfile.
I can create the two OutputObjects and also fill the content correctly. But at the end, Aris will open Excel only with one report (the last). As I understand, this is defined by the report-path (including one filename) in the Report-Assistant-Dialogue.
But I do also the following:
This runs witout error, but the file is not there.
What did I miss or how to write multiple files in one report?
Kind regards,
Hi Jens,
thanks for this.
I get an TypeError, saying that this function cannot be found.
And second, how can I put the Data into p_fileData?
What I have is:
var oOutDef = Context.createOutputObject() oOutDef.OutputF("blabla", getString("ID_STYLE_RD_DEFAULT")) oOutDef.WriteReport()
This works with opening Excel. With your Info, I tried this:
var oOutDef = Context.addOutputFile("text.xls",p_fileData) oOutDef.OutputF("blabla", getString("ID_STYLE_RD_DEFAULT")) oOutDef.WriteReport()
Hi Dominik,
in this case I think
addOutputFileName ( String p_sFileID, int p_nLocation )
is better. You have to do the following:
1. Create a output object with a given filename
var out = Context.createOutputObject ( Constants.OUTEXCEL, filename );
2. Add some content
out.OutputF("blabla", getString("ID_STYLE_RD_DEFAULT"));
3. Add the output file to transfer
Context.addOutputFileName(filename, Constants.LOCATION_OUTPUT);
4. Call WriteReport
out.WriteReport( Context.getSelectedPath(), filename );
Hi Jens,
Thanks. It almost works. Im running in trouble with the 4th statement.
When I read the ARIS help to the WriteReport(String,String)-Statement, there is documented, that the first parameter (p_sSelectedPath) will be ignored. This fits the current error. The report does not try to save the report where I like, he chooses "D:\ARIS7.2\server\temp\ReportTemp\5\text.xlsx. This is a directory that does not exist on the client. This is the server-directory, and none of the users later have access to this share. Even when the file will be stored there. They can't get the report by file-explorer.
So, how can the correct place be defined?
I have a var for this:
var selClientFolders = Dialogs.getClientFolder("Select new output folder", "", false)
What can be done?
Here an example writing two files. Send to client in a folder selected by the user:
function main() { var out = Context.createOutputObject ( Constants.OUTEXCEL, Context.getSelectedFile() ); out.DefineF("F1", "ARIAL", 8, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_LEFT, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 1); out.BeginTable(100, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_CENTER, 0); out.TableRow(); out.TableCellF("BlaBLa", 100, "F1"); out.EndTable(" ", 100, "ARIAL", 10, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, 0, Constants.FMT_CENTER | Constants.FMT_VCENTER|Constants.FMT_BOLD, 0); var filename = "secondfile.xls"; var out2 = Context.createOutputObject ( Constants.OUTEXCEL, filename ); out2.DefineF("F1", "ARIAL", 8, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_LEFT, 0, 21, 0, 0, 0, 1); out2.BeginTable(100, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, Constants.FMT_CENTER, 0); out2.TableRow(); out2.TableCellF("BlaBLa2", 100, "F1"); out2.EndTable(" ", 100, "ARIAL", 10, Constants.C_BLACK, Constants.C_TRANSPARENT, 0, Constants.FMT_CENTER | Constants.FMT_VCENTER|Constants.FMT_BOLD, 0); out2.WriteReport(); Context.addOutputFileName(filename, Constants.LOCATION_OUTPUT); var selClientFolders = Dialogs.getClientFolder("Select new output folder", "", false); if( selClientFolders != null ) { for each( folder in selClientFolders ) { Context.setSelectedPath( folder ); } } out.WriteReport(); } main();