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In the definition of header and footer (within the Properties of the ARIS-DB):

- How can I user multiple lines / do a line feed (In the top right, I like to have in the first line AT_REL_ON and AT_REL_BY, on the second line AT_CHK_ON and AT_CHK_BY

- How can I add UD-Attributes in header and footer


Is there any other solution to add header-info to each model?

Actually I put the attributes explicit on each Model as a graphical header. But its double the Information in my Reports (and also the Publisher), cause I have in the header also the model-name (is corresponding to the chapter) as well as the logo.

But when I print directly and only the model, without the graphical-header, I have no guess, what's in my hand.

What other solutions do you use?



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