Hello All,
Im working in ARIS IT Architect 7.1,
Suppose one of my client do not use the ARIS tool, but want to read/write the models or objects or attributes directly, is there any such interface where you can have direct access to ARIS database without using the ARIS Tool/Client.
Thanks in advance.
AFAIK, there is no way to have ARIS-DB access without using a client tool.
Probably the closest to what you are looking for is the excel-based model ex- and import. Someone with access to a client tool has to do the ex- and imports. In between, users can edit the model via its Excel-representation, i.e. without the tool.
Good luck,
Thanks Stefan,
When i was trying to export i found only XML export on a particular model or a group.
How do we get the Excel export? And if at all Excel export do you have the posibility for assignments, connections or links?
Apart, When i was doing a little study- There is ERwin(data modelling tool) where you can export and import ARIS data models and either can make changes, Using the Toolbus interface you can connect to ARIS.
Im not sure how far it is true.
Hello Nishita, Have you ever looked at "Arisan goed .Net". I can not give the url, because this posting will be rejected as spam. You have to google on the string "Arisan Aris" and then follow the fourth link (using google). Apparently, this tool lets you access the ARIS database without starting the ARIS Toolset. From your own .NET application, you just open the database and navigate the objects as if you are running a script. You could e.g. use C# or VB.Net, write your own Windows Forms, etc. But, you do need a license (and therefore valid installation) for the ARIS Toolset, so (in a way) you stay dependent on the Toolset. I haven't studied it in detail, but is actually a .NET managed wrapper around the ARIS .dll's. So your program and .NET at the top and ARIS at the bottom, that has access to the database. Unfortunately, I never got the trial version to work with an older release level of ARIS 7 and now I don't have the toolset anymore. If you have, you can always give it a try. I decided to learn myself JavaScript :-) and stuck to ARIS scripting. Fred
Hello Nishita,
"export" to Excel is made by reports ("Evaluate" in the ABA menu).
A further possibility is Aris Process Generator (cf. Aris ABA Help), a report that creates an Excel template in order to gather model structure and object attributes offline in tables and then import or synchronize it with the Aris repository. It works for EPC with limitations regarding complex control flows. AFAIK Process Generator is not actively supported by SAG.
Regards, Martin