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Hi all,

Can anyone please help me on how to change the object occurence to object definition? We have pasted some of the objects as occurences which should not be. Please suggest me a simple solution to do this task.

Many thanks for your valuable ideas :)

Best Regards,


by Mateusz Kniżewski
Posted on Thu, 10/04/2012 - 10:05


 i will one line of code i bolded out  interesting you part

writeData12(p_output, p_aObjOcc[i2].ObjDef().Identifier(nLocale))

by Sonal Mahendra
Posted on Wed, 10/17/2012 - 13:04

It cannot be changed in one go through front end. I can suggest a simple way to find where this object has occurence.

1. Use 'Find' functionality to search for that object

2. In properties, go for 'Occurences'

3. Select one occurence at a time and open that model

4. Delete that object and this time paste it as a Definition copy


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