Is there a best practice or standard to show message flow across pools in ARIS? Is it best to use event to event, event to task, task to task message flows? See attached examples.
3 Replies
Hi, I think the recommendations in ARIS do not differ from the standard BPMN. In order to start a process, you can use a start event message or a task - I think this depends on your tendency to have start and end events in your process or not.
Inside the process the send or receive task is more or less equivalent (depending on what you want to model) to the send or receive intermediate event.
Sascha -
Our team is still going back and forth on this topic...
The issue is related to intermediate message events. If we have a collaboration diagram with multiple pools and lanes and are using intermediate message events to throw and catch messages between pools should we use an input or output sequence flow to or from the intermediate message event too? Or, should we use a stop message or start message event on each one instead?
ARIS semantic check states an intermediate event must have and input and output...which I understand. The argument is; some believe the message is an input or output...and therefore you don't need to put the sequence flow in between the intermediate and the next object to show the process continues.Any thoughts or direction on this would be great!
My coworker believes this is an ARIS rule and not a BPMN rule.
The BPMN Spec leaves no questions open about in- or outgoing sequence flows, even if the flow object has in- or outgoing message flow. You must use them to create a conform process.