
I'm defining objects with a naming convention that requires an Id for Functions, for example: "P2P.Manage Suppliers", which means that the Process "Manage Suppliers", belongs to a greater Process "Procure to Pay (P2P)". But, as the level of detail of the processes increases, the id part of the name of the process grows to something in the form "XXX.YYY.99.<Function Name>", or even larger, which leaves less visible characters to use in the actual name of the function.

I tried using the "Identifier" Attribute to hold the Function Identifier, but this leads to a problem when to functions are named the same, even though they are different and have different identifiers, since they belong to different parent processes, ARIS assumes they are the same object or asks either reuse the object (which would not be true) or to create a definition copy (which I'd like to avoid).

Is there a way to have ARIS recognize an object as unique by attributes (or combination of attributes) besides the "Name"? For example, by the combination of Identifier+Name.

Thanks for your help

Francisco Quiroz

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