first feedback from use of aris connect as an academic platform in an engineering french university.

and questions for next year...

1/ firts of all, it's a success... 

context: 120 students (1er year of master) organized by team of 6, delivering a solution proposal based on SAP ByDesign for an (actual) inquiry of a company (maintenance of urban equipment)

They quite all had a discovery of ARIS in last year of Licence (based on the training materials (02_ARISArchitect_Advanced_UniversityEdition_Exercise_2.2)

The result is very good regarding modeling and generating a standard ARIS report as the deliverable of their work. (specific report i created)

The feedback form students is much better than previously using only ARIS ARchitect. If the project manager and one responsible for modelizationuse also ARIS Architect, the rest of the team can focus on modeling, consistency of models..., with aris connect...

2/ But, weakness 

The students do not use collaboration. I forced them to talk to me only through ARIS connect, but it was very difficult ... In fact, they communicate between them on their preferred social network.  So we need to enforce the support of collaboration... with certainly some training tools to introduce ARIS collaborative tools...

The HTML5 interface do not use popup information, and keyboard shortcut... Is that a technical constraint for you ? 

So questions for next year..

Will you offer training materials, sample databases, etc. to illustrate "good practices" in collaborative modeling? It would be useful to have presentations oriented "case", to simulate a collaboration in modeling... So mixing organization, evaluation / validation, how, rss, link to personnal network .. .

Will it be possible to use tactile interface ? (not really usable with this version...)

Do you have some representative able to make a speech for students on the use of collaboration ? (at least... videos...!) 


best regards


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