Profile picture for user paulo.lima

Dear all,

I've been trying to login into ARIS Cloud for a couple of hours with no success at all.

Firstly we got a problem in ARIS Cloud certificate (please refer to the image). 

Now this problem this is solved but none of hour user credentials are accepted - not even for the "forgotten password".

Accordingly to Murphy's Law - I have a meeting with the company's CIO and team in a few minutes and I was not able to update and publish the models as I was supposed to do.

Any help will be extremely appreciated.

Thank you.

by Alexander Tatarinov
Posted on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 05:46

Use different PC, internet explorer, chrome.

We had the same issue yesterday with chrome, but it worked wit internet explorer (or rise verse, do not remember)

by Christoph Lorenz
Posted on Fri, 10/07/2016 - 08:48


Yesterday there were an issue with the certificates of ARIS Cloud. It works again. If you still have problems, please tyr to delete the browser cache.



by Paulo Lima Author
Posted on Sat, 10/08/2016 - 20:27

Hi Alexander and Christpher,

Thanks for the tips - Indeed the Aris certificate was expired and due the company's policies I was not able to login at all. The certificate issue was solved. 

Thank you anyway, regards



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