Hi there

It seems that ARIS Simulation is making a bit of a comeback in Australia and I'm looking for any information regarding the functionality and key features to demonstrate to a client next week.       I'm also looking for information that is relating to 9.5/6 or even 9.8 although I've not seen anything todate on the subject.    We will be demonstrating this in ARIS 9.8 if we can.

Does anyone have details that they are willing to share with me.

Many thanks




by Ralf Angeli
Posted on Mon, 06/01/2015 - 13:53

On the Software AG home page there's a fact sheet for ARIS Simulation which mentions some highlights:


It doesn't say anything about the functionality to conduct simulation experiments, though, which is a great way to make sensitivity analyses by varying certain factors of processes.

In the ARIS Community there are two video tuturials which show some of the simulation functionality in ARIS 9:


One of the videos is even concerned with the experimentation functionality mentioned above.

Regarding the ARIS 9 versions there are not many differences with respect to ARIS Simulation features. So 9.6 and 9.8 are very similar. But compared to ARIS 7.2, the largest new feature was the support for simulating BPMN 2 models.


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