Hello everyone

I have a question regarding model sharing. Along with the customer, we attemped sharing one particular model to employees within the organization who are not ARIS Connect users.

We set up the SMTP server and it ran OK. We got the e-mail sent with the corresponding link to the model.

The thing is that after clicking the URL we have no chance of viewing the model. That being said, I just created this topic for someone to help me verify the following conclusions we've currently drawn:

  • The person receiving the mail must have a user in ARIS Connect to access the platform.
  • The person must have user and / or User Group permissions to be able to access any particular document. Also, have the ARIS Connect Viewer license
  • At the moment of sharing a model, the URL that is shared in the outbound email sent by ARIS Connect points to the database where the model to be shared is hosted (which explains the access restrictions)

Our customer's expectation is managing to share a model to any user within their domain with no need to be an active ARIS Connect user. However, I noticed these three constraints mentioned above. With that in mind, is that feasible? 


Thank you very much for reading

Best regards

Have a nice day


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