I've tryed to switch on SSL on ABS for the first time and I'm bit confused.
1 - I've added the following lines to userServerSettings.cfg
<public ssl="443" />
<genfile target_dir="ssl" target_name="dblist.html"
2 - I've uncommented those lines on defaultServerSettings.cfg :
<genfile target_dir="ssl" target_name="dblist.html" database_template="aris_database_ssl.html"/>
<genfile target_dir="lan" target_name="dblist.html" database_template="aris_database_lan.html"/>
3 - I've restarted ABS after opening 443 port TCP/UDP
4 - I try to connect tiping the box SSL on client side ABA but i've an "error code 6", if i dont tip the box SSL i have an error : "no service on this port"
Do I need anything else ? (Certificate, other config file to setup, ...)
Thank you for your help
Hello Pierre,
Please try the following:
- Do not uncomment the lines in defaultServerSettings.cfg, in general, nothing must be changed there as this file will be overwritten when you upgrade.
- The changes in the userServerSettings.cfg are correct, but I will also change this:
<public ssl="443" port="12345"/>
So the standard connection will not work anymore.
Can you try this ?