Profile picture for user pmcclean18

Hi all,

I am the business process archtiect for Tesco bank, and this is a general query to see if there are any users of ARIS within the UK community based up in Scotland?

I ask for 2 reasons:

- As recent implementers I would be keen to discuss general thoughts, successes, learning etc about ARIS and BPM type initiatives in general - face to face is often more rewarding than on these types of forums

- We will be looking to hire a 'Process Repository Analyst/Manager' in the upcoming months to replace a contract performing this role currently, so this is a shameless attempt to find anyone who might be interested.

Tesco Bank and the role would be based in Edinburgh, salary etc TBC and I will load a role profile if people indicate an interest. Obviously anyone interested in being based in Edinburgh is welcome to put their name forward

So if you can help with either query, please let me know...



by Sebastian Stein
Posted on Fri, 07/23/2010 - 13:18

Hi Peter,

about your first question: Are you aware of the ARIS UK user group? I think this is the perfect place to meet people from your region in person.


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