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Hi Have created one procurement model ,  

I want some to check and validate the same.

 Please correct me if i'm wrong


Thanks and Regards


by Roland Woldt
Posted on Tue, 08/30/2011 - 14:33



normally I do not do reviews here, but I think this might a good chance for other new ARIS users to learn a little bit more about the specifics of modeling notations (here: EPC).

In general I would say the model is a good start, but some changes have to be done (see the graphic below *UPDATE: Since this CMS resizes graphics but does not allow attachments, I uploaded a changed *.adf here*):

  • I applied the layout wizard to clean up the layout and this showed that some connections are not modeled correctly (the XOR on top of the model). You find it under Arrange > Layout.

  • You are mixing activities/process steps with statuses/results. The former are represented as functions (in green, e.g. "create invoice"), the latter are events (in orange, e.g. "invoice created"). In the EPC notation events trigger functions and functions produce results, which might lead to a E-F-E-F-E sequence ... but you are allowed to omit "trivial" events.

  • Since events are only statuses and not an active step, they cannot take decisions (like a human or a system would do) therefore it is not allowed to use an XOR or OR rule after an event. The AND rule after an event is OK.

  •  You started to model roles. Typically you would add a role (with the connection type "carries out" at least) or a system (with the connection type "supports") to process steps. This makes it clear who does what and you can remove this information from the process step name.

    In your example it would change for example to "Raise PO" with a role "Buyer" connected to it, or "Update Payment" with the SUS system connected to it further down the process

In general I recommend that you attend one of our beginner classes (code ABD) where we teach not only how to use ARIS, but also the most common notations such as Value Chains, Org Charts, IE Data Models or Application System Type Diagrams. The rules for EPC notations are also included in that training.

For a quick start I also recommend to have a look at the free-of-charge online training in the "Online Academy" group on this website, as well as the excellent overview on the EPC notation by Sebastian at


Posted on Thu, 07/26/2012 - 10:54


I am in need of ARIS with SAP Solution Manager Integration Procedure.

Kindly let me know your feed back.


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