
Can somebody help with this? 

by Ariene Kroeze
Posted on Wed, 08/20/2014 - 13:32

Dear Robert,

hereby a small script thats export a model to a PNG-file.

var myModel = ArisData.getSelectedModels()[0]

var ModelPicture = myModel.Graphic(false, false, -1);

var FileName =  "PicureFile.png"

ModelPicture.Save(GetCurrentTempPath() +"/" + FileName)


function GetCurrentTempPath(){
        var myOutput = Context.createOutputObject();
        var CurrentTempPath = myOutput.getCurrentPath().getPath();  
        return CurrentTempPath


Regards, Ariene kroeze

by Robert Pinter Author
Posted on Fri, 10/03/2014 - 11:29

Hello Ariene,

Thank you for response. Yes,  this code works fine in ARIS 7.2, but it does not work in ARIS 9.6. We find out, that it's bug in ARIS 9.6, so i was trying to find some other options.




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